Each Pep Monjo creation begins in a small factory on the small Balearic Island of Menorca.
Shoemaking is a local tradition in which several generations of people have been working, who with great love and care make each version of their shoes. This is also the case with the inspiration behind the Pep Monjo brand ,with Peps father also being a shoe designer.
Workers are the essence of any company. The key to success is that they are fulfilled and happy with the functions they perform, creating a natural commitment and desire for the company and vision to succeed .They are the foundation. Those who perform these functions enable the company to grow ,consolidate and produce the high quality required in the market. From there, each one of Pep Monjo’s designs materializes.
The history of the shoe in Menorca goes back entire generations and it is in this tradition that Pep Monjo shoes continue to be made.